10 Apr 2022 by Nick Olive

The Sydney University American Football Club will hold its 2022 AGM on Thursday 21st April 2022 from 7-8pm. This will be held via an online meeting for ease of attendance.

This is a great opportunity to have your say in the direction and future of the Club. All players, coaches and staff are encouraged to attend, even if only to listen in.

SUAFC is also looking for new members to join the Exec and drive success and continuous improvement of the Club. There are many roles and responsibilities available on the exec and it is a great way to give back to the club which has done so much for so many of its members. Ideally the exec is made up of current players, club alumni, cubs parents and community members.

To register your attendance for the AGM, please fill out the following form. Meeting details will be emailed out to all registered attendees.


Please feel free to email info@sydneyunigridiron.com with any questions.